What is maintenance massage?


Maintenance massage helps animals to maintain their current level of performance or mobility.

A maintenance massage program may include monthly massage and daily stretches + exercise.

Why get maintenance massage for your animal?


01 — I compete in a high-impact sport

If you run barrels, jump fences, or if you’re spending every weekend finishing your dog’s ACT titles, massage may help them recover from strenuous activity. Healthy muscles are less likely to be injured, and an animal that’s comfortable can compete more effectively for a longer career.

02 — My animal has a limb difference

If your dog or cat is missing a limb, or your horse has sickle or post hocks, this can change their body mechanics in a painful way. Previous injuries like broken bones or torn ligaments can also cause chronic pain. Massage can help relieve that pain! Stretches and exercises can also help animals to use their bodies more effectively.

03 — My horse spends the majority of their time in a stall

Being stalled excessively is like sitting on the couch - it seems comfy, but if you can’t leave the couch to stretch your legs, it’s quickly uncomfortable! Horses are designed to walk dozens of miles a day while grazing, and standing all day can cause stiffness and tension. In busy or bright barns, horses may also be anxious or sleep deprived, leading to problem behaviors. Massage can help relieve the physical pressures of being stalled as well as promoting relaxation and sleep.

04 — I feel like they need it/I want to spoil them!

Maybe there’s nothing exactly you or your vet can put your finger on, but they’ve just seemed off lately. Maybe they’re getting older and you want to head off mobility issues before they start. Maybe you just love massage and want to share that joy with your pet! Massage has very few contraindications and many benefits, so don’t feel like you need a reason to treat your animal to a massage.

What are massage contraindications?

There are some reasons why it might be a bad idea for an animal to get a massage, so it’s important to talk to your vet and masseuse about any health conditions or medications your animal might have or be taking. If your animal has congestive heart failure, certain kinds of cancer, an active infection or fever, or an open wound/broken bone, then a massage is not appropriate.

So, is it time for a massage?